In Windows 11 22H2 we have some great new options for the Start Menu layout which I really like, More Pins or More recommendations.

There is no builtin way to configure the default for the end-user with which Start Menu layout to use. We get a lot of questions from end-users that they would like to have more pinned apps in the Start menu to make it easier to start them without clicking on more apps first. Which we now can!
I wrote a post on how to customize the layout using registry values:
Me and my colleague Sassan updated the script mentioned here to customize the taskbar with new features:
The Taskbar could look like this:

New features:
– Set the default for More Pins
– Set the default for More recommendations
– Apply to all existing profiles on the computer
– Writes a registry value which can be used for detection in a Win32app, making it possible to install using Intune as well both as a script and Win32app.
The script can be used with the following variables:
– RemoveTaskView = Remove Task View from the Taskbar
– RemoveWidgets = Removes widgets from the Taskbar
– RemoveChat = Removes chat from the Taskbar
– MoveStartLeft = Move Start to the left
– RemoveSearch = Remove Search from the Taskbar
– StartMorePins = Changes the default Start layout to More pins (22H2)
– StartMoreRecommendations = Changes the default Start layout to More recommendations (22H2)
– RunForExistingUsers = Modifies all existing profiles on the computer.
Sample syntax:
powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file CustomizeTaskbar.ps1 -RemoveWidgets -StartMorePins –MoveStartLeft
The script can be downloaded from GitHub here: PowerShell/Customize TaskBar and Start Windows 11 at master · Ccmexec/PowerShell · GitHub
Registry value used for detection can be changed in the script.

In Intune we can use this for Win32App detection.
Win32app install syntax:
C:\Windows\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file CustomizeTaskbar.ps1 -RemoveWidgets -StartMorePins
Detection method:

I have had many requests for this script so I hope it will be useful!
Thank you for this awesome script. One thing I wanted to see if it could be done as well, can you remove the Microsoft Store app pin from the Taskbar with the script?
thanks for the script.
I can´t get it to work, the parameter for MoveStartLeft works but none of the other seems to work.
Running it in a Task Sequence with the params:
-RemoveTaskView -RemoveChat -RemoveWidgets -RemoveSearch
anything else i need to do to get this working in the TS? 🙂
Hi, I just did a test again on Windows 11 22h2 and it works fine.
I run it as an embedded script as well to test also works.
Hi Jörgen,
The script seems awesome and it executes fine.
I use it on 22H2 as intended.
Is it also supposed to run on localhost as it seems nothing changes?
Also no change a new logon.
I most likely am doing something wrong or I miss the usecase entirely.
Kind regards,
i can’t seem to get it to work either.
The script says all was successful but nothing changes
Ar you running for existing users? or only to set the defaults?
I am also Looking like @Roberts how we can remove the Microsoft Store app….
Microsoft Store app’s icon can be removed in registry or by its policy settings. [HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer]
Only if we could find a similar one for Edge and stopping it from becoming the default browser and pdf viewer for each new user! One could only wish!:(
Hi there
What is the syntax to remove the taskbar and or everything?
I’ve worked the script up and down, works great when used directly in PowerShell on computer.
But when used with Intune Win32 app, it runs but fails constantly. Changed the Reg Keys to current user, but still same result.
Strange thing is, the control registry key is created including the string value.
Trying to install on 22H2 version of Windows 11.
Script looks good, thanks for that!
Unfortunatly, I have not been able to run the script through Intune.
First part, adding registry key for detection works, but the rest not.
Only message, installation failed
It will change also the settings for new users?
Yes it will!
Hi Jörgen, I know Windows 11 23H2 is out but anyway to add this to your script to remove copilot Preview from taskbar.
Seems the remove search bar function is not working for all users on Windows 11 23H2, it will work for the current user logged in. but when switching profiles doesn’t keep setting
Ah, it looks like “S-1-5-21” is for domain\local users.
Entra account SIDs look like: S-1-12-1
Currently, in the script’s filter, it misses looping back on Entra users the login to the endpoint:
Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -match “S-1-5-21-(\d+-?){4}$” }
Is there a nice way to expand the filter to include Entra user SIDs, and adding more SID ranges?
Thanks for the suggestions and script.