Configuration Manager 2106 Technical preview is filled with great new features! I will write more about them but I had to start out with testing to convert CMG to Virtual Machine Scale set which is a new feature.
Before we start, I made sure that I had enabled the providers in the Subscription needed in my Azure Subscription as documented here:
When migrating we cannot change all options, they are described here: Technical preview 2106 – Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs
The CMG setup I had in my Technical Preview environment was usign self-signed cert with the following settings:
Cloud Service Name:
Service Name:
If no DNS alias together with a self signed certificate the wizard will complete but the service name will be wrong and at least my site could not connect to it, which makes sense. That was my first attempt before I redeployed the classic CMG to then be able to convert it.
Lets start!
Important to note the new Deployment name, as we need it to update DNS later to point to the new VM Scale set name.
Then I updated my DNS record with the new Deployment Name as the CName:
A flushDNS was needed as well on the Server hosting the Cloud Management Gateway Connection Point for it to be able to connect.
A really smooth experience, took a couple of minutes and then it was done! The complete documentation for the Technical Preview 2106 can be found here:
Any idea why I don’t have the “Convert” option (nor in the ribbon, neither in the right-click option) on a :
CB2107 Site
Console 2107
CMG is ready, Cloud Service (Classic)
I do have to same behavior on two separate sites.
Thanks and best regards from Switzerland,
Hi It is a feature you need to enable under “Updates and Servicing” “Features” called “Cloud Management gateway with Azure VM Scale Set” then you will have the option availabl.
My question is mainly why do i need to convert to this vm scale?
I still have the classic version i could convert it right now, but what else i get for issues doing this?
Can i just simple convert it with 2107 without doing config on the Azure side?
also what is the main benefit?