SCUG.SE welcomes you to two afternoons packed with Workplace management goodness! We normally host two physical events in Stockholm every year, but with the Covid-19 situation that is not possible. So instead we are doing it online using Teams.
We did a poll in our Swedish user group about the format and the winning format was to host the event over two afternoons instead of a whole day event. The community has spoken so that is what we are planning.
For this Online event in October we have a great lineup of speakers and sessions! All sessions will be presented in English
We welcome:
Sandy Zeng, MVP – @Sandy_Tsang
Thomas Kurth, MVP – @ThomasKurth_CH
Nickolaj Andersen, MVP – @NickolajA
Ronny de Jong, MVP – @Ronnydejong
Stefan Schörling, MVP – @stefanSchorling
Jörgen Nilsson, MVP – @ccmexec
Jan Ketil Skanke, MVP – @jankeskanke
Gerry Hampson, MVP – @GerryHampson
Per Larsen, Microsoft – @PerLarsen1975
We still have two slots open; we will announce them soon.
Agenda 6/10:

Agenda 7/10:

Registration is free with an option to sponsor our User Groups if you like.
We will email the event link a couple of days before the event to all registered attendees.
Hope to see you there.
Jörgen & Stefan

Great news. Will the sessions be held in english or in swedish?
Hi, It will be held in English.