Do not miss this eye candy, TSBackground for ConfigMgr, that also adds security to your deployments.

We are all familiar with the ConfigMgr standard TSProgresUI, which makes a great job but perhaps is not so aesthetically appealing.

TSBackground is the successor of “OSDBackground” that we published a couple of years ago. This new version addresses known issues as well as adds a lot of new functionality requested, including replacing the built-in ProgressUI. The first picture shows a design that we recently made for a customer. Apart from the more complicated controls, such as the progress bars, everything is customizable. TSBackground can show fixed text in combination with the content of any TS variable in any color, font and location you desire.
TSBackground has password protected debug features built in. Just right click the upper left corner of the screen, type your password and gain access to the debug tools.

This makes it possible to disable the F8 command support that we technicians love but frequently forget to turn off once a new boot image is put in production. This is a huge advantage as anyone with the right skills will be able to dump sensitive information from your environment so long as it is enabled.
TSBackground is fully configurable with respect to graphic layout, you can make it appear in almost any way or fashion that you like. This comes with the price of not being done just as easily as it was with the old “OSDBackground”, but if you willing to spend a little time and read the manual carefully you will surely get what you want.
When the application is launched the layout is loaded from .xaml files located in a dedicated sub folder. There are some “rules” that needs to be honored, naming is one, including the standard xmlns namespace in every top grid is another. Study the included standard files (General.xaml and Status.xaml) and consult the manual for more in-depth information on how to modify or create these files. A “Design Viewer” is available in the “Tools and Script” folder, this will help you assure that your file(s) are valid before tested in a Task sequence.
To avoid having to download the binaries TSBackground is best included in the boot image and later, in the Task sequence, transferred to the OS disk just before “Setup Windows and ConfigMgr”.
Boot image
The manual explains how to add the files to the Boot image, this is done on the “Customization” tab.

Launch in PE
The recommended method to launch the application is by injecting a custom winpeshl.ini file into the boot wim – this sounds difficult but is only a matter of placing a file (included in the download) in a folder, update the image and then remove the file. The manual explains this. This method is preferred and recommended as the injected file, including the launch command, automatically runs on every boot to Windows PE. This means we do not have to bother about putting in extra steps to start the application after for example a bios update or configuration.
Start in full OS (Windows)
To re-start TSBackground at the earliest possible moment when the computer enters full OS we recommend adding a “RunSynchronousCommand” to the “unattend.xml” file.
This is very well described here, so we will not spend more time on it:
In short you should add the following command, adjust “Order” according to your environment, to your unattend.xml file:

A fully functional (Windows 10 x64, en-US CST) file is included in the download as an example.
Task sequence
To test this and visualize where (aprox.) to put the various steps related to TSBackbackround we used the wizard to create a standard TS. We also added basic error handling which has been covered earlier on this blog,

The green dots mark TSBackground related steps.
As you understand this tools / utility does not solve any technical issues, but it does add an extra security layer with regards the F8 Command support and it sure looks nice. We have already seen some very nice custom layouts and backgrounds circulating on Twitter, one that really stuck out was made by the admins over at Minnesota IT Service (Chris Molstad).

TSBackground can be downloaded from Onevinn – Applications ( and comes with and extensive manual as well as several tools to help you design your own favorite “TSBackground”.
Onevinn – Featured (
Make sure to follow us on Twitter, if not already, for news on this and other tools:
@ccmexec and @Josch62
its given me .net 4.6.2 missing error after boot in winpe while trying to execute TSBackground
Please consult the manual, specifically “2. DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS”; it seems like you’re missing the “Optional components”.
Is there a way we can run this with USMT and starting from Software Center. I’ve tried an always have it throw an error.
Hi Johan,
I’ve been reading up on this and am excited to try to have this awesome layout working in a dev environment. I believe I have everything set correctly, but I think one issue I’m coming across is related to the “12. START IN PE (WINPESHL.INI) – RECOMMENDED” step.
I’ve added WScript.Quit(0) to the prestart commands, and have added the source directory with the boot files. I’ve also added WINPESHL.ini i386 and x64 to my configinstall\osd\bin\i386 and \x64 folders, and updated the boot image and distribution points afterwards.
After that, I updated our USB boot image, and attempted to boot into SCCM to start an OSD, but it gets to the standard SCCM GUI, and reboots itself within a few seconds.
Any ideas what would cause that or what logs I might be able to pull in this situation?
Thanks for the article!
So far I was able to configure all perfectly apart from the COMPUTERNAME isn’t showed.
What it could be?
The sample General.xaml binds to “OSDComputerName”, if you don’t set that TS variable during you deployment there will be nothing to show, try changing it to “_SMSTSMachineName”.
Can i use it in mdt task sequence? Where should i put thoose steps?
Is there any chance you have any plans for making this work on people who don’t use SCCM and simply use Windows Deployment Server and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit? This looks absolutely incredible!
Currently no 🙁
i am trying to implement this to test it out and i am getting an error with the TSBackground Init. it is failing at the first step. does anyone have any sugguetions. i am scratching my head.
Hi Jörgen,
we want to use TSBackground for our TS, but we have one show stopper. In the “prepare Computer System” step we disable the UEFI Network Stack of our Dell Latitude devices with command line “cmd /c cctk –uefinwstack=disable –ValSetupPwd=********”. When the command run TSBackground freeze instant and the osd stands still, connection to TSBackground Remote Control lost too. Every other command cctk command is running well, only uefinwstack isn’t working, but we need it to avoid a boot loop.
Kind regards
Sorry, posted my question in the wrong blog article before
There has been some issues when TSB freezes during heavy load or disk manipulation(s); we haven’t tested your exact scenario but think there’s good hope that it’s solved in the latest version, available here:
Hi Johan, thank you for fast reply. I tried the new version but the freeze is still there. If I run the task sequence without TSBAckground or only disable the step with TSBackground, it worked like a charm. Thank you for your help.
“disable the step with TSBackground”, tells me your not using the recommended method (winpeshl.ini) to launch TSB. Correct me if I’m wrong?
If that’s the case, the application is probably running from the HDD, not from the RAM drive (X:) and can be expected to crash/freeze etc. when you run fiddle with the drive.
Hi Johan, sorry for the misunderstanding. I missed one word in my sentence. To load the TSBackground i only use the recommended method (winpeshl.ini).
Running Task Seqeuence without TSBackground – everything is working like a charm
Running Task Sequence with TSBackground – System Freeze after this command “cmd /c cctk –uefinwstack=disable –ValSetupPwd=********”
Running Task Sequence with TSBackground and disable only the affected CCTK command -everything is working like a charm
I tried the Dell cctk in Version 4.1 and 4.3 without any luck.
The cctk command disabled the uefi network stack successfully but freeze instant.
I tried another way and used the Dell command powershell provider.
Set-Item -Path DellSmbios:\SystemConfiguration\UefiNwStack “Disabled” -Password %DellBiosPW%
Same problem like with cctk tool before. 🙁 Freeze!
TSBackground is not useable for us very pitty
Sorry for spaming you comment area 🙂 An Edit function would be nice 🙂
I get it to work! My test device is faulty and freeze when you change the state of the UEFI NW Stack.
I just wanted to share that! Thanks for TSBackground
We are currently implementing version 3 of TSBackground but after first reboot TS Background is never launched. Step Copy TSBToHdd is running before Setup and ConfigMgr client.
Before first reboot I can see that the TSBackground folders exists in C:\Windows\Temp
TSBackground folder is gone from C:\Windows\Temp after first reboot.
Any idea why not TSBackground is not launching after first reboot or why the files are removed from C:\Windows\Temp after first reboot?
We have used TSBackground 2 without problems.
Thanks for a great tool! 🙂
That would be expected if the >>old<< RunSynchronous command is still present in the unattend.xml file... Or the package containing the file has not been redistributed.
Thanks for the qucik replay Johan. We have never used RunSynchronous command to start TSBaackground after first reboot we went with the commandline to start it with.
I have redistributed the boot image again with new downloaded files to be certain it contains all the
updated files. Where should the step “copy TSBToHDD” copy the files to?
Thanks in advance 🙂
Ok, remember that MK III differs a bit from the older version and you should read the manual carefully – it’s crystal clear on where to put the the “CopyTSBToHDD” step. And please, be sure to follow recommendations, no other implementations have been tested, so your pretty much on your own if not…
I have read your doc up and down several times and I have put “copy tsbstep” where it should be according to the docs in the task sequence. I have removed everything from the TS that was referring to the old version of TSBackground.
This was the last resort to ask for some trobuleshooting guidance since “copy TSBToHDD” complete successfully but I cannot find any files on the harddrive after first reboot, and it hard to dig deeper when you dont know what “Copy TSTToHdd” is doing after it has completed since the docs have zero information about that command.
Thanks for you help.
Thank you Johan, we are a fan of the TSBackground since the first version. Great work.
With the 1.7 version we have the same issue like Nicklas told. I think the location C:\Windows\Temp isn´t optimal.
We have a rate of 50% that the TSBackground runs until the end of the OS tasksequence.
We set the copy TSBToHDD step between Apply Image and Setup Windows/Config Manger Agent. For troubleshooting we setup on many positions of the OSD tasksequence a PS script step to check if the TSBackground files still exist in C:\Windows\Temp\ or were lost. So we could see that the files are sometimes cleared away. Likewise after the Step Setup Windows/Config Manger Agent.
Wouldn’t it be a solution to be able to determine the target path yourself and configure it in the TSBackground.exe.config file ?
(ConfigMgr2002/ADK2004/Windows10 1909)
Thanks in advance.
would be nice to have a pause button ^^
also would like to see some a ts example for a upgrade scenario 😀
We had what seems to be the same problem, I wonder if you are doing the same, we were using an “Operating System Upgrade Package” as part of the TS, this seems to move everything that is in the windows folder to windows.old during the windows setup stage meaning TSBackground isn’t in the expected location after a reboot and therefore doesn’t start up again.
We’ve changed to using an “Operating System Image” which I guess is the preferred method anyway for installing the OS and it’s working as described in the manual.
This is my first time trying to use TSBackground so I don’t have any previous version only the latest download. I’ve placed the copytsbtohdd step in the task sequence like the manual says but TSBackground never loads after the Setup Windows + CFGMgr step (it works fine for the WinPE part of the build). This page mentions the unattend.xml command but that’s not in the manual do I need to use that?
Did you ever figure out the proper place to put the Copy TSTToHdd step. We are having the same issue where no matter what we have tried the TSbackground doesn’t load on reboot from winpe to full os. Does anybody know if the unattend.xml file is still required in the newest version, we never used it in the older build.
Did you ever get your task sequence working? We recently did the same as you and updated from the older build of tsbackground where we manually copied tsbackground.exe and called the .exe after a reboot into full OS. We have been through the task sequence and documentation and can’t figure out where the files go after the setup config mgr client step.
Make sure to use the latest version from here:
If you have used an older version before you might have some leftover references in your Unattend-file, make sure these are removed. To get a hint of what might be going wrong; switch to Debug mode while still in PE and check out the log at x:\windows\temp\smstslogs\tsbackground.log
Hey Johan,
I’m trying to get the UserGroupDN and LogonDomain working.
Are there any networking/domain controller requirements to set this up? – I have the correct group and domain, but when I enter known correct login details the login prompt just disappears.
I should note, using TSBackground Remote Control works as expected so I know I have the correct group.
I’m starting to use TSBackground and I have a task where I put a script to make the device name (D + BiosNumber) and I have put it in a variable.
The end of the script looks like this:
$ newname = $ ff + ‘-‘ + $ csn
try {
$ tsenv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$ tsenv.Value (“_ SMSTSMachineName”) = $ newname
Write-Output 0
catch {
Write-Output “you forgot to flush the toilet”
But I am not able to put the name on the background of TSBackground and is also entering the domain with that generic name of Widows that appears to me for example: MININT-8NCKVFF
Do you have any suggestions? please
powershell autoname for dells – prefix=we use our own/ the rest is the asset tag. outpu it to the OSDComputerName var in the TS. ours shows up properly
$SerialNumber=((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_bios | Select -ExpandProperty SerialNumber)).Replace(” “,””)
If ($SerialNumber.Length -le ‘7’) {} Else {$SerialNumber=$SerialNumber.Substring($SerialNumber.Length – 7)}
$OSDComputerName = “prefix-“+ $SerialNumber
Write-output $OSDComputerName
also add OSDComputerName to the GUI line ‘output to task sequence variable:”
Heyas, I worked out the cause of the login not working, the domain field is case sensitive. Nice easy fix ;o)
Hey Rodrigo,
_SMSTSMachineName is a read only variable, when managing computer names in a TS using variables, it’s best practice to use OSDComputerName (input)
Applies to the Apply Windows Settings step.
Specifies the name of the destination computer.
All the best
Hey Mark,
can you share the steps to get the computer name in the background?
Nevermind, it was too easy, I am using UI++ to customize my image. I am using OSDcomputername as variable. I changed the general.xml file where the variable _SMSTSMachineName is. No my variable is OSDcomputername. I added also de DP info. This is a great tool.
Hi mark
I made the changes to the script as well and revised the .xaml files again.
And yes, I managed to make it work.
Now I will work harder to personalize the TS.
Thank you for the tip.
Hello Rodrigo,
Can you share the steps?
Hey Rodrigo,
can you share the steps to get the computer name in the background?
Nevermind, it was too easy, I am using UI++ to customize my image. I am using OSDcomputername as variable. I changed the general.xml file where the variable _SMSTSMachineName is. No my variable is OSDcomputername. I added also de DP info. This is a great tool.
Hi Johan
I really like your tool. Its great.
Can you tell me if there is a way to change the location of the log copy?
Actually your tool store the logs to %systemdrive%\smstslogs.
We have run tests without TSBackground with the same result, indicating that this is in fact a bug in ConfigMgr 2010. You can add a step to your TS to delete it, or wait for MS to fix it…
First off, thanks for a great free tool which makes supporting OS Deployments a lot easier, it’s saved us a LOT of time diagnosing imaging issues in the last couple of years. I’ve tried finding a place to log issues and have come up blank as the technet page is now no longer working, so if there’s a better place, please advise.
We’ve just upgraded to the latest v1.7 version and noticed some issues when we press F8:
1. with only the encrypted password in the config file, the enter key doesn’t work (tried multiple machines) so we can’t enter the password.
2. We’ve also tried using an AD group but no matter how many accounts we try that are in the group it just closes the account info dialog box when pressing enter (so we know enter works on this but not number issue 1 above) or click the button.
Thanks in advance for any support you can offer.
Can you please make sure you’re on the latest version from here: Also note that you will have to create a new encrypted debug password using the latest encrypter, the algorithm was changed and is now FIPS compatible, which ironically meant lowering the encryption level. If you use AD-group, I’m afraid the Domain name is case sensitive, something that will be handled in the next revision.
Thanks Johan, updating the password using the encryption tool fixed this.
For the AD domain login, both AD and the config file have the domain in uppercase with the DN copied directly from the group properties, so maybe something else isn’t right. I’ll wait for the next version to test this again.
I get an error during the specialize phase after updating to 1.0.20324.1 , it looks like the exe isn’t getting copied into the Temp directory. The documentation says to ensure there’s no copy function used anywhere but it’s still in the example TS provided in the package. Putting the CopyTSBToHdd step in restores functionality.
What process is currently correct for this?
Documentation is hard! You should use the TS Step (CopyTSBToHDD), remove the command (old method) from the Unattend file.
the download link is not working anymore. can you update the download link?
You’ll find it here: Will update the post when time allows.
Will TSBackground for ConfigMgr work without PXE boot?
Yes, just create the boot image according to the manual and base you boot media on that.
Trying to load TSBackground during in-place upgrade from 1909 to 20H2, no luck. Seems like I need to create a package and call TSBackground.exe for it? Not sure if that is the solution, or may be call it from the TSBackground.ps1?
TSBackground only supports OSD, for upgrade scenarios, have a look at the “Windows 10 Upgrade Tools””, which includes UPGBackground, a simplified alternative for upgrade TSs.
I am doing OSD in SCCM, simply using the In-Place upgrade TS.
I assume by the lack of answer it’s does not work when doing in-place. Thanks anyway
Are there any plans to support an Autopilot “All Provisioned Devices” Task Sequence?
Hello Johan, thank you for the nice solution.
I try to use the TSBackground solution for the OS Depolyment. I implemented it as described in the documentation. In the TS Step CopyTSBToHdd noting seems to be copied. In the smsts.log I find that CopyTSBToHdd() is an invalid Operation. I wonder that CopyTSBToHdd() is a method of the Com-Object Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI. Can you please help me, what is wrong with my configuration?
Further I try to use Remote Control in the WinPE Phase. In the registry of WinPe I find a firewall rule named “TSBackround Remote control” on the port I use. But a connection to the WinPE machine is not possible. Only after disabling the firewall with wpeutil disablefirewall the connection is successful. Is this maybe a known Bug?
Thank you.
Hi @ll,
First of all, this is really a smart good solution. I ‘m really impressed.
Unfortunately I have an error, no matter what I try, the password that I create using the tool and enter in the configuration unfortunately does not work.
Even if I just try to enter “AAAAAAAA” as the password, unfortunately it does not work.
can someone help here?
Is it possible that you are mixing versions; are you using the password encrypter included in the latest release, the encryption algorithm has been changed at least once?
hello @ll,
after spending hours trying to figure out what’s wrong with no success.
Unfortunately I currently have the problem that TSBackground.exe does not want to start within WinPE. The package is there and even when I try to start that directly from the command line (debug mode) the process doesn’t start and I also try to start everything from running winpesh.exe, where winpeshl.ini is the correct path and two further commlines are executed without problems.
Does anyone have any idea or direction to find and solve this problem?
thx klaus
Could you try with a standard (TSBackground style) winpeshl.ini, without the two extra commands?
Hi Johan,
First of all, thank you very much for investing your time to help me, I really appreciate that.
yes, I’ve already tried that with “only” the two lines. Windows PE starts, the background image is shortly visible and then the system restarts completely
Are you sure what you see briefly is not the “Windows PE Background” rather than TSBackground? This is the behavior you would otherwise expect if TSBackground is not in the correct location; can you double check (Section 14 of the manual) that the TSBackground folder is a SUB FOLDER to the “Boot Extra Files” included as Source Directory for prestart commands? We have seen others put the TSB files directly in source directory at numerous occasions, so I have to ask….
of course you can ask, I really appreciate your helping me ..
well, yes I sure, as far as you can be sure 😉
What I did to check that, remove the line from winpeshl.ini, activate the normal F8 support of WinPE, boot winpe (press F8) and check whether the path is correct and the files are accessible, then I have this path copied directly into winpeShl.ini, and the files are then updated in SCCM. SCCM WinPE update process started and then tried again with the new WinPE, unfortunately with the same result
just as additional info. during the search and fix i also tried to add the files with the OSDInjection.xml, result is unfortunately same..
What worked for me was to unregister TSProgressUI in WinPEShl.ini before executing TSBackground. In my smsts.logs I noticed that the copytsbtohdd and gatherlocal steps were failing with some invalid method messages. I then stumbled across some 2Pint documentation regarding using TSBackground with one of their products and tried what I thought was necessary. In my case, I think the following line was the solution: “%SYSTEMDRIVE%\sms\bin\x64\TsProgressUI.exe,/unregister”
Now I can see that my test operating system deployment ended in tears… but that’s because my very old workbench computer is not supported by HPIA. I should upgrade it!
Thank you again for this amazing tool. It might be worth adding to the instructions that you must use an operating system image not an upgrade package. The latter causes the files in C:\Windows\Temp to be moved to C:\Windows.old and it fails to launch TSBackground after the first reboot.
Just stumble here from your own website For me, TSBackground doesn’t hide TSPRogress UI, which is weird in it’s own. The value is set to True as per default, don’t know why it doesn’t work 🙁
We experience the same think TSPRogress UI is not hide and we have the
– reverte back to a older version and it work – 1.0.20324.01
the version that doesnt work – 1.0.21143.01
btw is there a github or something where you can get older edition version
So I am running into the issue where the system reboots immediately after launching WinPE. I see the new background but then it reboots. I am assuming its because it can’t find the files, and the WinPEShl.ini is referencing the path: x:\sms\pkg\sms10000\TSBackground\TSBackground.exe but not finding it? I have the checkbox for the Enable Pre=Start command and the “include files” and it still doesn’t work. Does this still work?
Hi Johan,
First off let me say I love TSBackground and I have been testing it for a day or so in my lab and would love to use this during our Enterprise builds with SCCM. I have gotten everything working just fine on our older models. HOWEVER, our newest HP devices have a bios setting called: “Virtualization based bios protection” (Under System, BIOS Sure Start settings). I get an error when I attempt to boot from USB Boot media to start my task sequence. This same USB drive works just fine on our other models. But the new gen HP’s seem to have a bios security feature that your tool doesnt seem to play nicely with. Do you know anything about that and would you be able to assist at all?
I get an error VBBP-1007 before the computer even boots into winpe.
I should also add that these new HP Models work just fine with our task sequence, started via USB, WITHOUT any of your TSBackground stuff added in.
We will look into it.
My lead designer found your utility and loaded it up on our dev server. I do not know what happened, but after loading this, you cannot log in to any system after the image drops (OS gets loaded, and you get stuck at a login screen). Now all our templates in dev are broken. They removed your utility, and we are still broken with the same issue.
Do you have any thoughts on what hooks might be left over after an uninstall that we should look for? I was just brought in to this and have no idea how your utility works, I am trying to avoid having to rebuild our dev server. Thanks.
Hello Jörgen,
I’m trying to start using this package but having some trouble.
I can’t paste screenshots here so I’ll try to explain it as good as possible.
In our environment we have an MDT (WDS) server reacting to PXE requests because we also need a few other boot options (CloneZilla for example), from here we choose to boot from SCCM.
Within SCCM I have created a new boot image with the settings as described in the documentation.
On the WDS server I have imported this image in the boot images making it available to choose from the WDS menu.
After loading the boot image, I see the background for a second and the machine just ends up in a bootloop:
– Rebooting
– Showing status bar “Loading files…”
– Showing Windows 10 logo with the spinning loading icon
– Showing the background (and a few cmd prompts) for a second
– Rebooting
– ….. And so on
Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
Hello Jörgen,
We are starting te use TSBackground and running into an issue at the moment.
In our environment we have a WDS server reacting to PXE because we need the ability to choose different options (like CloneZilla).
I have created a new boot image within SCCM with the needed modifications and I have imported this new boot image into WDS making it available to choose from the Windows Boot Manager menu.
Once I choose this boot image, the file gets downloaded, for a second I see the background (and a few cmd prompts) and then the machine reboots, and this process keeps going.
Do you have an idea what could be wrong?
I’m using tbackground for about 2 years now, love it. We just implemented RBAC for site management and I found out that if I don’t give read to “all systems”, the picker is empty. Is there a way around it? Because if I give read to “all systems”, it then give the user the ability to see all collection base on this collection and this is something I do not want.
Thank you
I’d like to amend my last comment. Problem wasn’t with all system read access. Tool require read access to “Task Sequence Packages”. Good to know if someone else is doing RBAC.
We managed to get it to work correctly in the WinPe Phase. But for some reason in Full OS the TS continues without TSBackground.
The CopyTSBToHdd Step executed without errors directly before the “Setup Windows and Configuration Manager” Step.
We also saw after TS was finished, that the TSBackground Service was created successfully for the tsbservice.exe in C:\Windows (thewhich is still there) and the TSBackground Folder with all Files also exists in C:\Windows\Temp.
Or maybe the TSBService does not work correctly in Windows 11 22H2, which is where we´re trying to implement TSB?
Hi, We have heard this from a few but haven’t been able to narrow it down…
Do the client have internet access during OSD?
Are you using the Install.wim or custom OS Image?
Well, it seems like it is indeed a compatibility Problem with Win11 22H2. We tried with the patched wim directly from Microsoft (Enterprise x64) and have this problem.
Then we just replace the image in the TS with the current Win10 22H2 Enterprise x64 image and everything works like a charm (We didnt try with Win11 21H2 though).
We’re having the same issue Jurgen is having, except we’re using Windows 10 21h2. Vanilla wim but updated via configmgr services and extracted only the enterprise edition (also via the configmgr console).
Can confirm all the files are there in c:\windows\temp, but nothing starts up in full OS mode.
After the setup Windows stage and reboot with the CM Client, I can see the TSBservice is in a “startpending” state. If I try to start-service with Powershell, it just stays at “waiting for Service tsbservice to start” seemingly forever.
Well I fixed my issue and it’s a dumb one on my part. I didn’t ensure the files weren’t “unblocked” first. Get-childitem -recurse | unblock-file is your friend.
This might be a stupid question, but at what point should this be done, and on what folder?
I see that TSBackground is stored locally at C:\Windows\Temp\TSBackground – is this what I should unblock? And at what point in the task sequence should this be done?
Dylan, can you be more precise as to where this needs to be done? I’m running into the same issue with it not working after the reboot out of WinPE and into the OS…
It works fine on and older image of Windows 10 that the company I just started at was using, but after customizing 22H2 with Wimwitch, it doesn’t work after WinPE.
Thats the solution.
Add this Powershell script after the point “CopyTSBToHdd”
Set-Location -Path C:\Windows\Temp\TSBackground
Get-childitem -recurse | unblock-file
That´s the way!
Thanks Dylan. Unblocking the files solved my problem too. I should have taken a closer look to the basics. Oh well ^^.
I hope this gets added to the Issues Section of the TSBackground PDF 🙂
Hey Jürgen,
How did you do that?
In our case it was
in the unattend.xml file under <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup". Remove ,save and update.
Hello! I appear to have TSbackground working correctly, but all of a sudden I am seeing TSbackground running upon logging into the Windows the first time post-image. I then disabled the Success and Error dialogs from my task sequence, but now I still see TSbackground is running…showing the background with an Error step and progress bar. I can close it via task manager, but this is happening one the initial login and stops after a reboot. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for any help you can provide!
In my task sequence I clear and initialize the TPM via powershell:
Then I have a restart in the sccm task sequence and after that I noticed that TSBackground isnt coming back up when it boots back into windows and resumes the Task sequence. Its back to using the TSProgressUI. I have confirmed this on more than one PC. It doesnt always happen, but when it does, and its semi frequent, its always in this spot in our build. Has anyone seen this before?
add a reboot to the postaction smsts variable. So that after the task sequence is complete the computer reboots and then the background will be gone.
Shutdown /f /r /t 15
Is there a way to restart TSBackground during the task sequence? If we see that its failed could we program in a step to check for the process and then do something to get it to launch again on next reboot possibly? I really like the splash screen but we have started seeing that maybe 25% of the time TSBackground fails to launch after a reboot. It typically happens in the last 15 minutes or so of our task sequence. I have certain information that appears on the failed or success splash, so if tsbackground isnt running it kinda kills that.
I have a problem
My SCCM OSD include WinPE Boot image with UI++ applications and TSBackground applications. And now TSBackground does not appear when the Setup Windows and Configuration Manager step restarts the machine first time, but continues with the normal SCCM task sequence screen.
The CopyTSBToHdd() powershell script (New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI) is before the Setup Windows step.
Windows Server 2019 (OS Build 17763.4377) and 2023-05 Cumulative Update (KB5026362) installed.
Windows 10 ADK 2004 and WinPE add-on is installed before that.
SCCM is version 2303. I used the Win10 22H2 install.wim
TSBackground.exe version 1.0.21143.01
Can anybody help me?
This fixed my issue with TSBackground and Windows 11 as well. THANK YOU!
Anyone got issue with TSB Remote Control after Setup Windows and Configuration Manager step? I am able to see during WinPE but not in Windows, Task Sequence runs fine though but I can’t remote to it.
Hi, first time using TSBG and I’ve reviewed the documentation over and over. After loading the boot image, the BG comes up then restarts in about 5 seconds. F8 doesn’t work (tried with FN also) and right/left clicking in the corners wont pull up the debug. I have check several times to see where i went wrong but I’ve followed your document exactly.
Is there any way to see the source code for TSBackground by chance? We were fighting with this mightily over the last couple of days… trying to get it working with an iPXE boot image. The challenge being that TSBackground is looking for TsBootShell.exe to be running… and if it’s not running, it launches it… which messes things up. WinPE booted from iPXE does not launch TsBootShell.exe. Instead it runs TsmBootStrap.exe directly. It would be nice to have an option to ignore TsBootShell.exe not running… or for TSBackground to use some other indicator that a TS is in progress.
Our workaround was to create a dummy TsBootShell.exe and run it. Then TSBackground will run without issues in WinPE.
This works flawlessly when run via PXE but if its configured in a task sequence and deployed as a required task sequence to clients in a collection, it doesn’t work. Any thoughts as to why that might be?
I seem to be having a problem with this working in Windows 11 OSD. First off it works in PE but doesn’t close the progressui. In addition the progress wheel does show but does not indicate which step name it is on. It does however show which step number at the bottom of the screen.
That being said once its in Full OS it does not come up at all. All steps were followed to a T from the doc. No luck getting it to fire in Full OS. Any suggestions?