MMS is one of my favorite conferences of the year! The reason is the community feeling I have never been to an event where I have had the pleasure to be part of so many great discussions and to me that is worth a lot! Microsoft also adds many speakers from many different product groups like the Man himself, David James, Director Software Engineering, SCCM, Michael Niehaus, Principal Program Manager If you are into anything Configuration Manager/Windows 10 MMS is the right conference for you!
The mix of speakers is perfect if you ask me, a mix of MVP’s, Product group a Community peers it cannot be better.
I have the great, great pleasure myself to be presenting on all the great Configuration Manager Community Tools together with the Godfather of SMS/SCCM himself, Wally Mead. That is like a dream come true! The Configuration Manager community truly is great.
MMS hosts a Desert edition now in December 2-4 with two full conference days and coming from Sweden which, where I live is rainy, moist, windy and cold I am really looking forward to some desert heat and a great conference!
Hope to meet many of you there!