In Windows 10 1703 – Creators Update there is a new Group Policy setting that actually allows us to control what is visible in “Settings” for our users. This is useful for computers with a specific purpose for instance or other business requirements. The policy is called “Settings Page Visibility” it can be used to either Hide a specific settings or Show only a specific setting or settings.
Example to hide the Bluetooth settings page we use the GPO with the settings hide:bluetooth as shown below.
On the machine the Bluetooth settings is actually gone:
We can also use the Group Policy setting with the “ShowOnly” option as shown below.
On the computer the Settings page will now only show, Colors, Start and Themes
The syntax for the settings you want to hide/show is not that easy to find, this is where I found them,
Updated after comment on post, the Gaming can be hidden the following needs to be added to hide the group.
Tip on how to test them, you can just launch run and type: MS-Settings:Colors for instance and it will launch the Colors settings node. We can also use this to create shortcuts to different settings.
And Colors is launched.
That is basically it, great for some scenarios!
Game bar
Game DVR
Game Mode
Game bar ms-settings:gaming-gamebar
Game DVR ms-settings:gaming-gamedvr
Broadcasting ms-settings:gaming-broadcasting
Game Mode ms-settings:gaming-gamemode
Mixed reality
Mixed reality ms-settings:holographic
Audio and speech ms-settings:holographic-audio
>Not all settings are in that list and can be removed … like all the Game settings for instance.
Actually you can hide it if you hide all four “gaming” panes:
Thanks for the headsup, didn’t work when I tested it but will update the post.!
In 1709 it now contains an extra tab Xbox Networking which can be blocked by using gaming-XboxNetworking
But when I block all tabs under Gaming, Gaming is still visible, when I clock on Gaming Settings gets unresponsive and finally closes.
When will this feature arrive in Server 2016?
I have no information on that 🙁