Yesterday an update was released to the Technical Preview 3 version of Configuration Manager vNext. A really cool update which is distributed using the new Updates and Servicing feature. First the end-users will love the new Software Center, one unified place instead of two and no more Silverlight!
The next cool thing in the update is how it is delivered. It is delivered using the new Update and Servicing feature in the Preview. It will look like this. In the console under the Update and Servicing branch we now see that an update is available.
We have two choices, Install Update pack or Run Prerequisite check.
I choose the Install Update Pack option and here are the screenshots of how it will look like.
Next is an interesting choice if we want to upgrade all clients directly without testing or use the test new version with a pre-production collection.
Done! But what happens next? Well the upgrade actually starts and the progress can either be tracked in the console. If we look at the update it is now changed state to Installing and we can in the bottom of the screen we can select Show Status.
Really cool, but for us who like to use CMtrace or Notepad if you want instead 😉
The pre-req part uses the same log files as the setup of Configuration Manager so you can follow it in ConfigMgrSetup.log and ConfigMgrPrereq.log.
For the update installation itself can be tracked and troubleshooted in the following log file, CMUpdate.log
What about the console on the Configuration Manager Server? It is updated automatically the next time you open the console 🙂
The new way to handle this kinds of updates are really cool and it works really well. Well I have only installed it three times but it has worked so far 😀
One of my test sites is unable to download the new servicing options. Has anybody seen this in their dmpdownloader.log?
ERROR: Failed to download easy setup payload with exception: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.~ the inner exception messge is The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.~ the exception call stack is at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.DmpConnector.Connector.SCCMConnectorUtility.DownloadManifestCab(Uri manifestCabUrl, String manifestCabPath, IWebProxy proxy)~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.DmpConnector.MessageDownload.MessageDownloader.DownloadAndVerifyManifestCab(Uri manifestCabUrl)~~ at
Failed to call EasySetupDownload. error = Unknown error 0x80131509
Thank you