When building a new OS image it is a really good idea to include Visual C++ Redistributable packages in the image as well as .NET framework versions so that we don’t need to handle these software components as dependencies for all applications but have it included in the standard image instead. I also copy Cmtrace.exe to every location I can think of, like C:\windows on all clients when I create the image, extremely useful.
Here is a Knowledge-base article to bookmark “Latest Supported Visual C++ Downloads” http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2019667
It contains information and links to all the latest versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable packages which makes it really easy to find the latest versions.
The link to the Visual C++ 2013 redistributable pacakge is not in page below, here is the link instead. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
looks like its not updated that regularly….
Article ID: 2019667 – Last Review: November 16, 2012 – Revision: 10.0
The link for Visual Studio C++ 2012 update 4 is updated 11/20/2013. so it is still valid.
Having written that, of course Visual Studio Runtime 2013 is not in the list 🙁 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
Then I will create my own list on my own blog instead..
How about a a general “OS Capture Pre-Reqs” page?
These are two slightly more obscure ones that are useful to include in a capture: