When Configuring the Automatic Client Upgrade in one site the option to Configure Automatic Client Upgrade was grayed out and not available.
The User account that was part of the Full Administrator security role but had the following security scope permissions applied.
Changing it to “All instances of the objects that are related to the assigned security role” highlighted above solved the issue and the Automatic client upgrade tab was visible again.
This saved me some time and frustration.. Thanks for the post.
In case you run into the issue that I had where the option was grayed out: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0c35fe5b-bf81-4f87-9635-dd57fd25d70e/security-scopes-all-instances-of-the-objects-that-are-related-to-the-assigned-security-roles-greyed?forum=configmanagergeneral