Call to Action!
Microsoft needs our feedback on the upcoming 70-243 & 70-242 certification exams that will cover System Center Configuration Manager 2012 and System Center Operations Manager 2012. Wouldn’t it be great with two tests per product? one for day-to-day admins and one for IT-Pros?
Tell Microsoft your opinion using this 5 question survey for each upcoming test which can be answered on here:
Garth Jones published a list with examples for items to be included, the following list is examples of topics:
- Create a basic app model
- Create a basic SSRS report
- Create a collection
- Create a task sequence
- Deploy Win 7 (OSD)
- How to create Software Metering Rules
- How to deploy SU
- How to setup Power Management
- How to troubleshoot client deployment issues
- How to use AI
- How to use DCM
- How to use NAP
- How to use Remote control ( and what is new with RC!)
- Mobile support
- Name all the feature and what they do
- Set client setting via a collection
- Setup up RAC
- Understand all the site roles and what they do.
- Use the help file or Superflows (Yes this is important! It is surprising how many people don’t RTFM)
- What is OBB and what does it do
- What is WOL and what does it do
The complete blog post published by Garth Jones a few days ago about this survey can be found here:
Thanks Garth for putting together the list and making the community aware of it.