I have installed Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 a couple of times now and I must say that the system requirements document on Technet has a complete list of pre-req’s, read it before starting the installation. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff823830.aspx
The installation it self is really straightforward if all the system requirements are fulfilled.
However almost every installation of either the server or the console extensions, the “Prerequisites Verification” step fails on the “Verifying a restart is not required” action.
On a couple of the computers/servers a restart solved it but in some cases there where other installations which haven’t cleanup the following registry key which is the key or file rename operations which has failed.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileNameOperations
If that key is present the installation will not continue.
- Rename the registry key (that way you can put it back if needed)
- Install Forefront Endpoint Protection
- Reboot
- Put the key back if you think it could be needed
Thanks! This helped on a server install!
Perfect, Thanks!
Nice, thanks for this tip, help a lot
Thanks so much! This was stumping me for awhile!
Hej Jörgen
Jag har 1server med Windows server 2008 samt 5 clienter. Jag har Windows sbs concole som sköter . Har ej installerat detta system själv ej så kunnig på serverar.
Men min antivirus symantec endpoint är på väg att utgå och det är dyrt och köpa in nya licenser så jag letar efter en mer eonomiskt alternativ, som windows forefront endpoint protection.
är det svårt att installera endpoint för en novis? räcker det med en license eller måste man köpa in 6 licenser har inte kunnat lista ut detta.
var köper man detta?
uppskattar all tips.
jag hade övervägt att köra Security Essentials i ditt fall det är helt gratis, dock utan central konsol. FEP har inget stöd för SBS, tyvärr..
Great job!
Thanks for this tip, help a lot.
Thank you for this.