When I perform a new Configuration Manager installation after all the standard configuration (enable all agents necessary, configuring the different roles, boundaries, network access accounts and configure all the other standard components) I also end up doing a lot of other configuration as well.
I tried to collect all the information needed about the different tasks and thought I would share it here.
Configuration steps I perform after installation:
- Change Max mif file size = I normally configure it to 20MB http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2013/12/10/Change-the-Maximum-File-Size-of-Management-Information-Files-(MIF)-in-SCCM-2012.aspx
- Handle IIS Log files = http://ccmexec.com/?p=395
- Change IIS Filtering on all DP’s =http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc431377.aspx
- Change SCCM PXE cache timeout =http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2019640
- Configure DCOM permissions = http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb633148.aspx
- NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS = create an empty text file called NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS on all drives that are not to be used by the distribution point role, to control on which drive packages on the distribution point are created.
- Install Client status Reporting = Install the Client Status reporting component from the R2/R3 installation media.
- Modify Anti-virus real-time scan = information can be found in this article http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2010/11/30/configmgr-2007-antivirus-scan-and-exclusion-recommendations.aspx
- Change the default client cache size = modify it on all clients to 10GB instead of the default, specially useful if you are going to use App-V together with SCCM. Modify the client installation strings in all task sequences, Client push and SCCM client installation packages by adding the following “SMSCACHESIZE=10240”
- Install the latest hotfixes = http://ccmexec.com/?p=644 Don’t forget to add the client hotfix installation to both OS deployment task sequences and Client Push configuration to ensure that all clients are updated.
Hey Niels,
Thanks for this info.
I was looking for a way to extend the clients cache during OSD.
My program for the client package looks like this: “CCMSETUP.EXE /noservice SMSSITECODE=AUTO SMSCACHESIZE=15360”.
How can I check that it actually is 15Gb?
If I now go to control panel > System and Security > Configuration Manager and open the fourth tab and click the button Configure settings, then the section that shows the SCCM CLients cache size is greyed out..
Is this normal behaviour? Where else can I check whether things went ok?
Nice to hear it helped!
If it is greyed out in Windows XP, you need to log on with admin permission, if it is greyed out in Windows 7 you will have the shiled icon the to elevate permissions bu clicking on the “Configure Settings” icon under the Advanced tab.